Čeněk Pražák
Figurative Projection
1969, gouache on photograph, 30 x 19,8 cm
Figurative Projection
1969, gouache on photograph, 30 x 19,8 cm
Figurative Projection
1970, oil on canvas, 160 x 140 cm
Spring / Frühling
1971, gouache on photograph, 30 x 19,8 cm
Contour and Projection / Profil und Projektion
1972-77, oil on canvas, 84 x 63 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Figurative Projection, Basel
1973, colour pencil on paper or carton, 84 x 61 cm
Figurative Projection I
1973, colour pencil on paper or carton*, 130 x 95 cm
(*page 105, monograph, oil on canvas seems incorrect)
Figurative Projection, Projection I
1973, oil on canvas, 130 x 95 cm
Figurative Projection
1973, colour pencil on paper or carton, 40 x 30 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Figurative Projection "Basel"
1973, colour pencil on carton, 84 x 61 cm
Figurative Projection, Basel
1973, coloured pencil, 84 x 59.4 cm
Ministry for Culture, Austria
Figurative Projection, Basel 34
1973, ball-pen and colour pencil on carton, 140 x 120 cm
Sammlung Kantonsspital Baselland Standort Laufen, Switzerland
Figurative Projection
1973, oil on canvas, 160 x 120 cm
Figurative Projection
1974, oil on canvas, 160 x 140 cm
Figurative Projection, Basel-Projection XI
1974, oil on canvas, 130 x 95 cm
Figurative Projection IX
1974, oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm
Figurative Projection XIX
1976, oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Figurative Projection
1976, colour pencil on paper or carton, 84 x 63 cm
Figurative Projection B 01/I
1976, colour pencil on paper or carton, 84 x 61 cm
Figurative Projection
1977, oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Čeněk Pražák, a modernist artist, deeply rooted in his time, shows a predominantly figurative body of work in which he gradually relinquished the usage of non-figurative elements. From the starting point of observations of nature - something he already did in his youth together with his boy scout friends in Prague - his whole oeuvre is bound to his closest surrounding, which appears open or transparent, as if through an X-ray vision. This primary experience runs like a leading theme through his whole work. Layers and streams are evidenced in wavy lines, in drawings as in prints, in paintings as well as objects and in book illustrations and site specific works on architecture.
Čeněk Pražák, ein im besten Sinne "moderner", zeitbezogener Künstler, weist ein vorwiegend figuratives Werk auf, in dem er mit der Zeit immer mehr auf die nichtfigürlichen Elemente verzichtet. Ausgehend von Naturbeobachtungen, die er bereits in seiner Jugendzeit mit seinen Pfadfinderfreunden aus Prag machte, ist sein ganzes Oevre stets der nächsten Umgebung verpflichtet, die offen oder durchsichtig wie unter einem Röntgenlick erscheint. Diese Primärerfahrung führen wie ein Leitthema durch sein ganzes Werk. Schichtungen und Strömungen finden sich als Wellenlinien wieder, in Zeichnungen wie in der Grafik, in Ölgemälden wie in Objekten, in den Buchillustrationen wie in den Integrationsarbeiten zur Architektur. JM
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