Čeněk Pražák
Pair I
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Pair II
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Newroc AG, Laufen, Switzerland
Pair V
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Pair VI
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Pair IX
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Collection Keramik Laufen AG, Switzerland
Pair XI
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Pair XII*
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and colour pencil on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
(*the number XII is used twice in the monograph, page 28 and p.158)
Pair XII
1986, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
1987, permanent marker, ball-pen and pastel on paper or carton
75 x 50 cm
Pair I/I
1988, oil on canvas
170 x 120 cm
The "Figurative Projections" are also further developed in the "pairs" series. The guiding idea being free lines and forms. Each line engenders another, in harmonious variance to the previous. Analogously, the colouring is independently applied as well. Everything is the sum of multiple forms deriving from parts of the base, that rhythmically drives the free composition.
Auch in den "Paaren" werden die "Figurativen Projektionen" weiterentwickelt. Leitgedanken sind freie Linien und Formen. Jede Linie zieht eine weitere nach sich, wird aber harmonisch zur vorigen variiert. Entsprechend ist auch die Farbgebung unabhängig. Das Ganze ist die Summe multiplizierter Formen, die sich aus Teilen der Grundform ableiten, welche die freie Komposition rhythmisch steuert. JM
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