Čeněk Pražák
Figurative Projection
1971, gouache, 25 x 30 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Reflex I
1972, gouache, 35 x 25 cm
1971, gouache on photograph, 35 x 25 cm
Newroc AG, Laufen, Switzerland
1972, gouache, 30 x 25 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
1973, oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
1974, gouache, 30 x 25 cm
Newroc AG, Laufen, Switzerland
1975, gouache on photograph, 26,5 x 20 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Reflex XXII
1976, gouache on photograph, 35 x 25 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
1976, oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Figurative Projection "Head"
1977, gouache, 30 x 23 cm
Newroc AG, Laufen, Switzerland
Wild Head / Wilder Kopf
1978, oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm
Reflex XII
1979, gouache on photograph, 41,5 x 30 cm
Reflex XIII
1979, gouache on photograph, 41,5 x 30 cm
Newroc AG, Laufen, Switzerland
1979, gouache, 30 x 46 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
1980, gouache, 26 x 20,2 cm
Reflex XLIII
1980, gouache, 30,5 x 22 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Reflex "The Mysterious Woman"
1980, gouache on photograph, 30 x 25 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Reflex II
1980, gouache, 18 x 12 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Reflex XX
1980, gouache, 50 x 35 cm
Newroc AG, Laufen, Switzerland
Reflex LXX
1980, gouache, 21 x 17 cm
Private collection, France
Reflex III
1980, gouache, 18 x 12 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
Reflex XXIII
1981, gouache, 50 x 35 cm
Reflex XVIII
1981, gouache , 50 x 35
Reflex I/I
1981, oil on canvas, 170 x 140 cm
Private collection, Switzerland
1983, gouache, 23 x 18,3 cm
The "Reflex" works evolved from the "Figurative Projection" series. They are based on two opposing elements. The structural, mostly dark borders suggest a specific space in its defined, almost geometrical manner. In the centre, usually a head, is often in contrast wildly colourful, animated with the finest of lines. The structural border areas give the illusion of depth and space whilst the heads project volume.
Die "Reflexe" sind eine Weiterentwicklung der "Figurativen Projektionen". Sie bauen sich aus zwei gegensätzlichen Bildelementen auf. Suggerieren die strukturalen, meist dunklen Balkenfelder einen bestimmten Raum, festgehalten in einer fast geometrischen Manier, so ist das Bild im Zentrum, meistens ein Kopf, in häufig bunt-wilden Farben gehalten und mit feinsten Strömungslinien belebt. Bedeuten die strukturalen Randfelder eine tiefräumliche Illusion, so bilden die Köpfe eine Projektion körperlichen Volumens. JM
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